Tirumala, that bustles with pilgrims and is jampacked on New Year' eve, didn't find a rush on Monday. After TTD announced reference letters of VIPs wouldn't entertain but might allow only protocol VIPs for darshan on January 1 even the VIP counters were attended throughout the afternoon. Anticipating enormous rush of pilgrims, the TTD has made arrangements for VIPs and devotees on the eve of New Year, at par together with Vaikunta Ekadasi.
Divya darshan had been withdrawn by the temple management, given to pilgrims who walk up privilege darshan and the steps for the physically challenged and aged devotees. A total of 55,373 devotees had darshan by 6 pm and there was no waiting at the pockets. There was criticism by a section of devotees that the temple administration had blocked canceled and accommodation arjitha sevas anticipating a significant influx which never came. Mr. Keerthi Kumar, a devotee from Vellore, stated,"The TTD administration should have estimated properly and accepted measures accordingly. It should at least have eased room allotment and VIP ticket issuance criteria after having realized the turnout of devotees on Monday was poor"
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