Rajputana's celebrated property, Rajasthan has added three feathers. Rajasthan picked up three trophies in the categories of cultural, heritage and honeymoon destination at the 1stedition of"India's Best Awards 2011" announced by World's top travel magazine TRAVEL + LEISURE India and South Asia at Kamal Mahal, ITC Maurya, New Delhi on last Friday. The winners in the award ceremony were picked via a reader and online poll conducted in 2011.
Commenting on the very first edition of India's finest Awards 2011, Mrs. Payal Kohli, Editor-in-Chief, Travel + Leisure India & South Asia said"Travel + Leisure India & South Asia was the first global title to launch in the Indian subcontinent in September 2006, and we felt the time was appropriate to run our initial readers poll awards over 500,000 readers have been reading our magazine for more than five years and we were convinced that the outcomes would be quite authentic and credible". Rajasthan emerged as the favorite by winning the highest number of awards in the finest Awards of India 2011. The award ceremony was graced by the distinguished characters such as Tourism Minister R.K. Khwaja, Fashion Designer Rohit Bal, Film Producer Aarti Surendranath and Many More.
Other winners in various categories include Mumbai as the top party destination in India, Odisha as the emerging destination in Delhi and India as the very best food destination of India. There is very good news for the hospitality business as well since ITC Maurya was adjudged favorite among the women travelers. "We are extremely excited to award the winners at our inaugural Awards ceremony today in the presence of so many important dignitaries, members of the traveling fraternity and additionally with Nancy Novgorod, Editor-in-Chief, Travel + Leisure, who was also here in Delhi when we launched the magazine over five decades ago, and has been a mentor for all of us through the years." Stated Payal Kohli.
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